The Heart of Confidence with Your Horse and Within Yourself

No matter what we’re aspiring to learn in our riding lives, whether it’s more about the nature of horses, perfecting a maneuver, or staying grounded and focused in the moment, there are always more layers to explore and exciting new insights to gain.

Sometimes, we’re up for the learning adventure with all of its ups and downs. We believe in ourselves and know we’re enough.

Of course, sometimes, we waver. That’s natural.

But we humans are wired to keep reaching. We yearn to keep growing. Nobody wants to stand still in their progress.

That holds true for the subject of confidence, too.

I think of confidence in two ways that are continuously intertwined and work together.

The first is a confidence which comes from feeling safe in our own hearts as we live our lives day in and day out.

We look within to find solutions to challenges. We allow ourselves to ebb and flow by trying on ideas. We know our lives are a journey, and we find strength and wisdom within to navigate it.

The second kind of confidence in our riding lives is knowing we can be our best and most authentic selves as we are focused moment-to-moment with our horses.

We crave connection, communication, and responsiveness. This is a type of immersion/on-the-spot confidence.

When we ride, it’s as if the world stands still; all that matters is us ebbing and flowing with our horse.

Both kinds of confidence are processes – not destinations. They come and go and are fragile.

If you enjoy exploring and learning more about the broad topic of confidence (and its many dimensions), I have a podcast for you this week I did with my lovely friend, Jane Pike.

We’ll explore our beliefs about ‘being enough’ (or not) and confidence.

I know you’ll love meeting Jane if it’s your first time – or – getting to know her even better if you’ve already met her.

You’ll also learn more about our new On On Being Enough workshop starting tomorrow, Monday, July 8.

To listen to the podcast, click the video below.

Click here to learn more about the On Being Enough Workshop.

We’d love for you to join us.

We’d love for you to join us as we explore the heart of confidence with your horse and within yourself.

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3 Comments on The Heart of Confidence with Your Horse and Within Yourself

  1. Rob on Sun, 7th Jul 2024 9:47 am
  2. Hi Barbra is there a link for the workshop. Signed up, but haven’t gotten any information

  3. Joanne Milton on Sun, 7th Jul 2024 6:26 pm
  4. What an exciting concept…I wish I could sign up for this, but I just can’t swing it at this time. Hope you offer it again in the future!

  5. Vikki Sandvik on Mon, 8th Jul 2024 12:10 pm
  6. Hi Barbra, So happy to hear that you are all O.K. Jane indicated on your podcast that the second session was going to be just on questions, experiences and answers. Not sure how that works with gaining knowledge from you and Jane. I feel like I have procrastinated my life with horses & dreams/goals of riding fabulous trails away due to feeling that I am not enough. I am 80 years young & had better figure it out. I have had horses and ridden all of my life. Wonder if this workshop would be helpful or perhaps you or Jane would have a better option for me. Thank you so very much. You are amazing. Hugs, Vikki

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