“How to Sit Deeper, Part 3”

This video is one more in my “finding your seat” series of video for working a cow. I talk about why it is so important for you to be grounded in your center of balance as you put your hand down after making the cut and before working a cow.

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“How to Sit Deeper, Part 2”

Previously I did Part 1 about developing a deeper seat as you work a cow.

This is Video 2 in that series. While it’s for all who work cattle (cutting, reined cow horse, and ranch cutting riders, etc,) there’s a message here for riders in all discipline.

I also focus on the role of using the horn in cultivating a deep seat.

This is the second video in a series for developing a deeper seat.

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“How to Sit Deeper, Part 1”

One of the biggest challenges of cutting and cow horse riders is to find and maintain a “deep” seat.

If you’re like many riders, try as you may, you just can’t seem to master a consistent and deep connection to your horse through your seat.

Perhaps, you don’t feel stable in the saddle when you work a cow.

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“The Rhythm of Working a Cow”

One challenge in working a cow, is to get all of the pieces of accuracy, form and rhythm to stay correct … no matter the speed of the cow.

This video is a great example of the pretty form and rhythm we all aspire to achieve as we work a cow. Below the video, I explain the component parts of working a cow.

Identify those pieces as you watch Lloyd Cox and Blackish work a cow.

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“Part 4: Working the Cow”

This is Part 4 in our video analysis series.

  • Herdwork Planning (Part 1)
  • Walk to the herd (Part 1)
  • Approaching the Herd (Part 2)
  • Executing Your Two Jobs IN the Herd (Part 3)
  • Proactive cuts (Part 3)
  • Key points for working the cow (Part 4, 5)
  • Between cattle strategizing to build a run (Part 6)

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“Part 3: Put Your Cow on the Outside and Drive UP!”

This is Part 3 in our video analysis series.

  • Herdwork Planning (Part 1)
  • Walk to the herd (Part 1)
  • Approaching the Herd (Part 2)
  • Executing Your Two Jobs IN the Herd (Part 3)
  • Proactive cuts
  • Key points for working the cow for each cow
  • Between cattle strategizing to build a run

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“Part 2: Cutting Video Analysis Approaching the Herd”

This is Part 2 in this multiple part video analysis series in which I dig deep into concrete, key fundamentals you can immediately use in your cutting runs.

  • Herdwork Planning (Part 1)
  • Walk to the herd (Part 1)
  • Approaching the Herd (Part 2)
  • Walk through the herd to set up a clean cut mid-arena
  • Proactive cuts
  • Key points for working the cow for each cow
  • Between cattle strategizing to build a run

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“Part 1: Cutting Video Analysis Herdwork Plan Review”

In this multiple part video analysis series, I will dig deep into key fundamentals you can immediately apply to your cutting runs. I will breakdown these critical elements:

  • Herdwork Planning (Part 1)
  • Walk to the herd
  • Walk through the herd to set up a clean cut mid-arena
  • Proactive cuts
  • Key points for working the cow for each cow
  • Between cattle strategizing to build a run

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“How to Coordinate Your Hand and Feet
on the Cut”

There are three main things going on as you’re walking through the herd to make a cut. The first is effective communication with your horse. The second is reading an ever changing situation. The third is making good decisions moment to moment.

That’s a lot to manage all at one time!

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“7 Steps for Making Good Decisions in the Herd”

It’s easy to wait to hear your name called and then rely on your trainer for a cow plan as you walk to the herd.

However, I believe this is the slow road to becoming skilled in the herd.

There is so much you can do to set yourself up for herdwork success … as you collaborate well with your trainer or #1 helper.

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“How to Stop Leaning”​​​​​​​

Have you ever struggled with a pesky upper body that insists on leaning before and through the turn? Do your shoulders and torso have minds of their own?

Try these ideas:

1. Let go of trying not to lean.

Our bodies cannot ‘not’ do anything. You will be well on your way to sitting quietly, deeply and still as you focus on what you want.

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“How to Fix What Went Wrong on the Cut”

It can be challenging to learn herdwork. There’s so much to absorb about cattle, angles, making decisions about moving targets, etc. This is especially tough if you’ve had little to no experience with cattle before you started your cow career.

Then there’s more to add to the mix of challenges. There’s the impact of your draw in the herd, or the kind of cattle at the show that day (numb or wild or in between) Herdwork is just plain challenging.

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