Saying Yes and Showing Up

One morning, during our Cowgirl Spring Adventure Retreat in Moab, Utah, this past week, I had a few quiet moments. I was reflecting on how much magic life has to offer when we take the risk of showing up and saying yes to experiences we are attracted to—or sometimes just invited to. We never know what special things can happen unless we just say yes, go for it, and see what happens.

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16 Comments on Saying Yes and Showing Up

  1. Deb Perse on Mon, 3rd Jun 2024 12:06 pm
  2. Yes!! I always say Yes cuz like you said. You never know what’s there for you Even when I think I don’t feel like doing something I still say Yes. It’s amazing how saying yes turns out to be a wonderful amazing Yes.
    Always love receiving your messages
    Happy Trails

  3. Diana Hoffman on Mon, 3rd Jun 2024 12:20 pm
  4. Agreed!
    My motto is I’ll try pretty much anything once. Say yes to new adventures. You never know what you don’t know.
    I enjoy your messages, thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences.
    Warm blessings,

  5. Tassie Corbett on Mon, 3rd Jun 2024 1:15 pm
  6. Yes, just show up or just say yes even when you’re not really sure you want to. I’ve been doing this for the past three years and it has enhanced my life with the things I’ve learned and the wonderful people I’ve met and come to know. So whenever you possibly can say yes and show up! I did and it’s been worth every minute!!
    Next year, I’ll be back in Moab with you guys again, no matter what!!!
    Much love,

  7. Elaine Bohlin on Mon, 3rd Jun 2024 1:32 pm
  8. Such majestic, beautiful, yet peacefully restorative looking place! All that and working cattle with friends too – can’t get much better!

    Yes, even when just saying yes or showing up is a little uncomfortable or maybe doesn’t go exactly as planned, generally that decision still brings growth, knowledge and positive things.

  9. Liz on Mon, 3rd Jun 2024 1:36 pm
  10. Exponential rewards come from saying yes, energies rise, unique delights await. I owe it to myself and all those who have loved me and are no longer here, to cherish and explore ‘life’. Seize the day.
    Thank you Barb.

  11. Candis Molde on Mon, 3rd Jun 2024 2:31 pm
  12. I try to say yes when every opportunity comes up .
    Life is busy for most people but I find if I make the effort I always enjoy myself . Life is full but also so much fun . 😊

  13. Adele Constable on Mon, 3rd Jun 2024 6:21 pm
  14. Great message Barb. And as usual, I love your locations. I can’t believe sky is really THAT blue! Enjoy!!

  15. Tricia on Mon, 3rd Jun 2024 6:55 pm
  16. Aloha Barb – Thanks so much for the images of Moab. I really enjoyed my time there several years ago and it was wonderful to be reminded of how beautiful it is through your short video and your message… loved it!

  17. ilona serrao on Mon, 3rd Jun 2024 7:32 pm
  18. HI Barb, What a wonderful reminder for us. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and the beauty of your location.

    I must schedule to attend this next year. 😉

  19. Allison Newman on Mon, 3rd Jun 2024 8:26 pm
  20. Hi Barb,
    Thank you for sharing such a wonderful view and perspective. Open minds, open hearts and a hearty “yes” are certainly the roots of some of our best experiences. Great reminder and video.

    Hope to get to Moab this fall!

  21. Linda Marciano Snyder on Tue, 4th Jun 2024 6:09 am
  22. Thanks Barb, for that reminder to say yes and be present in the moment. We sometimes get too caught up in the stressors of life to stop and smell the roses, or horses for that matter! 🤠🐎 Hope to see you again soon!

  23. Vicki Daniels on Tue, 4th Jun 2024 9:07 am
  24. Beautiful place and beautiful message. Say yes with gratitude for the opportunity to say yes. Thank you for this inspiring moment.

  25. nancy burroughs on Tue, 4th Jun 2024 1:05 pm
  26. Faith in GOD and a grateful attitude make our life so beautiful. Thank you Barb for sharing with us. Blessings forever

  27. nancy burroughs on Tue, 4th Jun 2024 1:06 pm
  28. Blessings forever

  29. Stacy Neef on Tue, 4th Jun 2024 9:50 pm
  30. Thank you! Showing up is like being present…

  31. Mattie Hunter on Wed, 5th Jun 2024 5:12 pm
  32. Hi Barb, what an inspiring message that can be applied to every aspect of our lives. Showing up regardless of fear that could otherwise hold me back, has brought me to the beautiful life I am living today. Excited for yours and Sandy’s clinic at the Western States Horse Expo and plan to attend your retreat this fall.

    Warm regards,


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