As You Think About Next Year
This is a festive time of year, with so much going on. As this year winds down, I reflect on 2024 and look forward to next year.
I want to share something I learned that might initially seem obvious.
Still, it’s like anything else: as you explore the different layers of an idea or skill, you discover something new you can experience, learn, and make meaningful for your personal preferences and unique situations.
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Hello, my friends.
One of the things I learned this year was that our bodies are precise messengers of what’s really going on within us. I don’t mean you have to get everything ‘right’; I’m talking about enthusiasm for the dreams WE want to pursue.
For example, you might attend a lesson and think, “Oh man, that resonates with me so much.” Then you know you’re on the right track. You can feel it in your body. It’s not just in your mind. It’s in your body.
So, as you think about next year, whatever you consider going for, it should excite you.
You might think, “That’s pretty obvious, Barb.”
Of course it is! But what often happens is that we don’t allow ourselves to get excited about what we truly want. We often compare ourselves to others and their choices, but I’m talking about what thrills you. What do you want to pursue?
We might want to learn something new, haul for a title, or trail ride more. All that matters is if it’s right for you because you’re excited.
And here’s something to look out for.
Don’t allow yourself to fall into the trap of making excuses that it can’t happen because of fear-based beliefs. It’s easy to look back and think about things we want to fix or why we can’t go for something exciting.
As you look forward to 2024 and you hear that voice inside that says, “You know, Barb, you can’t because of X, Y, or Z,” step back and ask yourself, “What is my belief that limits me?” Then, let it go.
You don’t have to know exactly how anything will happen; just take the first step and let go of the need to have it unfold exactly as you think it should.
You can think, “I’m going to take a step forward. I will take the next step, the next step, and the next step and see where it leads me. I will have an outcome that excites me no matter where it lands, but I will let go of it needing to be perfect.”
That way, we can maintain our enthusiasm and motivation and continue taking steps. Letting go of perfection and continuing in a direction that excites us frees us to see options and helps us let go of the restraints we impose on ourselves.
That’s what I have for you today. I hope it’s helpful and fun to think about.
Please leave a comment. Bye-bye.
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2 Comments on As You Think About Next Year
Belinda Williams on
Sun, 15th Dec 2024 3:09 pm
Carol MacGregor on
Sun, 15th Dec 2024 8:26 pm
I have been using this practice you taught me in my entire life. I take time to listen or feel when an idea or thing bri gs me JOY! Lights me up inside! Makes me feel young again! Makes me smile! Gets me happier! It can be the smallest little thing or a whole new idea——- but I am aware of when I get those feelings and I act on them! It has made my life richer! It empowers me and it can be the simplistic things. Not expensive, easy, it gets me out of my lane and lets me move out into something made new again. It really works for me! Thanks Barb, for teaching this!!!!!!
Hi Barb, I appreciated your encouragement to think about what I’d really like to engage in this next year, because each year seems so predictable knowing there are many obligations that we need to meet if we have family and grandchildren. And even though we (I am thankful to have them) I still have the desire to be improving my horsemanship in new ways and that takes time. I’m kind of rambling but I know that I don’t want next year to just “amble” by like the last year, and the year before that–etc. And I do still get really excited about almost anything horse related. Hope you have a very nice Christmas and Happy New Year. 🙂
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