Prep Well; Go with the Flow

It’s a beautiful summer morning here in Texas.

I’m having a good time working on short videos for my new Shine in the Show Pen program, which covers many different aspects of showing.

I just finished doing a series of videos on preparation, which, as you know, is enormous for showing.


Hey, it’s Barb.

It’s a beautiful summer morning here in Texas.

I’m having a good time working on short videos for my new Shine in the Show Pen program, which covers many different aspects of showing.

I just finished doing a series of videos on preparation, which, as you know, is enormous for showing.

At the same time, I was working on the preparation videos, I had coffee with my husband, Tom. Part of his morning quiet time is reading various things he finds inspirational. One of them was a phrase he shared with me: “Prepare well and then go with the flow.”

I love that kind of synchronicity.

The phrase he read was about something other than showing horses. It was about anything. I love that idea because it’s so simple. Some of the greatest truths are the most simple.

Prepare well. Prepare thoroughly. And then, when you get to the main event, roll with the flow.

The goal is never to be perfect. It’s to be responsive to the situation. That’s what flow is.

I wanted to share that simple idea with you today.

Do your homework for yourself and your horse – mentally, energy-wise, horsemanship-wise, discipline-wise, to the best of your ability at home and at the show, Prepare well.

And then, when you get into the show arena (or the clinic or a lesson with your trainer), do your best and go with the flow.

Have a great week. Leave a comment. Bye bye.

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7 Comments on Prep Well; Go with the Flow

  1. DONNA PADULA on Sun, 25th Aug 2024 1:11 pm
  2. Love this:)))))

  3. April Baxter on Sun, 25th Aug 2024 2:39 pm
  4. Such a good mantra to have in life. I don’t enjoy riding in the heat in Texas but if I’m going to prepare I need to get up early and put in the time. I’m pretty good at going with the flow. Discipline!

  5. Renee on Sun, 25th Aug 2024 2:59 pm
  6. Simple, yet impactful. Thank you!

  7. Luanne Abegglen on Sun, 25th Aug 2024 10:28 pm
  8. So simple, but so profound! Thank you so much

  9. Carol MacGregor on Sun, 25th Aug 2024 11:22 pm
  10. HI Barb, You look beautiful on this pretty summer morning at your ranch! And that advice of “prepare well, and then go with the flow” is heart warming in itself. Makes it sound easier====:)

  11. Rimana Davis on Mon, 26th Aug 2024 4:48 am
  12. Simply beautiful, yet powerful.
    thank you for sharing.

  13. Cheryl Smith on Mon, 26th Aug 2024 10:11 pm
  14. Love this, so inspiring!

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