Do No Harm
Do you remember the game of telephone we played as a kid? At the beginning of a long string of people, someone whispers a short story about someone or something to the person next to them.
Then, the story is whispered to the next person. When the tale is whispered multiple times around a circle, the final story barely resembles the original one.
Is that human nature?
Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
I’m here with Nick, who is not sure when his next meal is going to be.
And so, you know, you always have to have plenty to have in the tank just in case you lose your energy.
But I’m out here in the pasture and I just have a real simple message for you, and that is the, seize the day message that, you know, this is the journey and our goals.
Waves of Energy
I just finished doing a series of videos on preparation, which, as you know, is enormous for showing.I was in Newport Beach, California this past week. I had a little getaway with Tom and his golf group.
I was here at the beach this morning and it reminded of the idea of energy, waves, and recovery.
You may have heard me speak of this before.