Showing UP!

Hey, it’s Barb.

Thank you for your comments and input about showing, what it means to you and your different challenges. They’ve helped me put the final touches on a new live and FREE workshop, Showing Up, which will be released early this week. I’ll email you when it’s ready.

For those of you who show, go to clinics, or ride in front of other people, the entire experience is so much more than what you only see on the outside and what the results are.

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Champion Traits – Yours and Theirs

Hey, it’s Barb, and I’m so excited because the Olympics begin this week.

I love to watch the Olympics for a couple of different reasons. I enjoy the interviews, and of course, I love the great performances. I love to study their pre-ride (well, I call it pre-ride with horses), pre-run, and pre-event rituals (what they do before they go in). I also enjoy watching how they handle errors.

There’s just so much to observe.

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A Collection of Fine Art

I actively competed with show horses from when I was a young girl (about ten years ago!!!) to 2017.

Growing up, it was in youth events. Later, from college days on, it was mainly in the cutting arena.

As life goes and is meant to be, my perspectives and what I’ve learned from research, other people, my students, and my own experiences have shaped my views of what it takes to create a competitive life that fits you, your horse, and what you want to do.

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The Heart of Confidence with Your Horse and Within Yourself

No matter what we’re aspiring to learn in our riding lives, whether it’s more about the nature of horses, perfecting a maneuver, or staying grounded and focused in the moment, there are always more layers to explore and exciting new insights to gain.

Sometimes, we’re up for the learning adventure with all of its ups and downs. We believe in ourselves and know we’re enough.

Of course, sometimes, we waver. That’s natural.

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