Personal Performance – THE GIFT Series
72 Tools and Tips to Give You the Help You Need to Gain Riding Confidence and Overcome Your Riding Fears
THE GIFT is a treasure chest of powerful mental strategies to help recreational and competitive riders accomplish their riding dreams with confidence, ease and fun.
If you have ever experienced any of the following, you will find solutions within THE GIFT:
- Anxiety on your horse
- Worry about your mistakes or your horse’s errors
- Difficulty staying focused
- Worry about other people’s opinions
- Difficulty recovering from a horse accident
- Fear of performing poorly under pressure
THE GIFT includes these powerful solutions:
- Getting in touch with yourself and your unique desires and talents
- Building great relationships with the people and horses in your life
- Learning real life strategies to boost your overall confidence
- Mining the unlimited power of mental focusing techniques
- Turning tough times into treasures
- Training positive emotions within
THE GIFT is a treasure chest of powerful mental and emotional strategies that work and will help you take your riding to the next level.
by Barbra Schulte
This book is divided into nine sections. Each section contains individual messages packed with practical, powerful ideas and tips that are easy to implement into your riding. The messages are easy to read. Because each stands alone, you can read them in any order. Start at the front and read all the way through, or use the table of contents to locate the topics that address your personal needs. This book will empower your riding.
Now available for Kindle Readers from Just click “Kindle Reader for ‘The Gift’
THE GIFT digital Audio Book Download
Narrated by Barbra Schulte
Now you can have all 72 individual, power-packed messages available anytime on your ipod, your computer, or on your favorite media player.
The complete audio book of THE GIFT is 6 hours!
If you prefer listening over reading… or simply don’t have time to read… you can still access all 72 messages to help you master your mental game.
Actually hearing Barbra’s voice speak words of calm, confidence, and focus will surely empower you!
Listen before you buy! Here is a sample from THE GIFT Audio Book:
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Click here to buy “The Gift” Digital Audio Book as a gift for someone else.
THE GIFT Workbook
by Barbra Schulte
This workbook is designed to summarize, and then bring to life for YOU personally, the key mental and emotional strategies within each section of THE GIFT. You will personalize the concepts through follow-up questions relevant to your riding and to your life. This workbook may be used in conjunction with the soft-bound book and/or 6-CD audio set, or as a stand-alone resource.
See what people are saying about THE GIFT Series.
“Hi Barbra, Thank you so much for the wonderful book, THE GIFT. I have been meaning to write and thank you, but it seems at times that life just moves quicker with each passing day. Because of the timing and the inscription I am guessing that you saw my bareback-bridleless ride at the Congress. I thought you might find it interesting to know that a part of you was riding with me that night. I graduated from the University of Findlay in 1997 and during my time there you were a guest speaker. Many of the things that you taught have remained with me throughout the years. One exercise in particular, of touching the thumb and middle finger of my non-rein hand loosely together while showing as a way to stay relaxed, has become a regular habit. As I prepared Roxy for competition with no tack, I knew I would need a physical “cue” that I could teach myself to relax and recover with but with no saddle my free hand wasn’t always free! That is how I began running my fingers loosely through her mane at moments during my ride. I would like to thank you, Barbra, for everything you have done in the industry as well as with me personally. “
Lisa Johnson
“ Jim Neal
John Lyons
“Now you have two choices for enjoying an inspirational and educational book that will help improve your horsemanship as well. The book version offers each segment in a short, easy to read ‘bite’ that makes it simple to study and understand. The story of her son, Zane, will make you realize that there are far more important things in life than blue ribbons and silver trophies. Zane endured bone cancer that eventually took his life, yet he never failed to share his time and energy with other patients at the hospital, as wells as friends and family. His story makes it clear what really matters. With his example of how a life can be well lived, Schulte explains that courage drives from a belief in a positive outcome, that you can handle whatever comes along, and that you have a greater purpose in your life than just competition. The audio format is handy for commutes of all lengths. The short segments mean that you don’t have to sit in the vehicle for a long time waiting for the ‘story’ to end. Your horsemanship will improve through the suggestions in this book, and you can make the world a better place with the overall goals, making someone else’s day better while you improve your own.” Product Review from The American Quarter Horse Journal
I loaded them into the truck CD player and it must have skipped to disc six because that is where I started. (I love that I can skip between discs – that it’s not like a book telling one long story. It’s almost like God sends me messages sometimes.) Driving in tears is not highly recommended (that coming from a retired cop). On September 22nd is the 12th anniversary of my daughter’s death. She was fourteen years old at the time. So, THE GIFT message was especially close … and wonderfully written/spoken. Thank you.” Chris Dove
“THE GIFT is a treasure of thought processes for dealing with life’s challenges. You definitely earned many ‘atta girls’ for the thinking and effort put into this book.” Rick Graff
“I have just finished reading your book, THE GIFT, for the second time. You are right. It is exactly what I need to hear at this time in my life. Thanks for writing such a great book that will be a constant partner on my quest. I have a lot of work ahead of me and with a positive attitude; it will be a lot of fun.” Gail Fox
“Your new book, THE GIFT, is such an inspiring work….I read ‘Focus’ just before saddling up to ride yesterday! I will forever be grateful to your talent, your ability to share it, and your own personal style of life! Thanks for that…..MAKE DUST or EAT DUST!” Janie Larson
“I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed THE GIFT. I got it in the mail and couldn’t put it down until I read the entire book! And, I keep re-reading! I really appreciate the perspective that Barbra has not only in the arena but also life in general.” Kandace Underwood
Lisa Strickland
“I want to thank you for your candid communication from your life experiences in your new book, THE GIFT. This book came to me with such timing in my life that one cannot claim it to be coincidental. I have shared this with my family and refer to some selections when I need to remind myself of my positive purpose in life, and life in cutting.” Randy Taylor
“I have greatly enjoyed everything I have received from you over the years. This book, THE GIFT, is wonderful. I purchased two and gave one to a very special friend (who is more like my true sister) who had lost her son at age fourteen, four years ago. It brought tears to her as she was really needing a gift.” Ashley Collins
Al Dunning
“Barbra Schulte’s insights into preparing mentally for the show ring were widely read in her original column series that ran in The American Quarter Horse Journal. Barbra’s background, training, and approach will prepare you for today’s competitive equine arena. Follow her advice and you’ll have a better experience with your horses – in and out of the show pen.” Jim Bret Campbell
Sherry Cervi
Phil Rapp
“THE GIFT” is sure to inspire and motivate. It is easy to read and reaches straight to the heart. Let it be your guide to higher achievement on a horse or in life. If you need an ‘Ah ha,’ this is an ‘Uh huh’.” Craig Johnson |