You’re Already a Hero

I have a mini-podcast for you this week.

It’s one of my favorite topics because it goes right to the heart – the idea of being enough.

Toward the end of the podcast, I share a tip that I heard this week that, to me, was simple and profound.

Listener warning: I recorded this in the pasture so the audio is a little noisy in places, but I hope you love the message anyway!

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Hey my friends, it’s Barb and Nic.

If I didn’t know better, I would have been in Ireland. I’ve never been to Ireland, but I’ve always heard how green it is.

Hey, I want to tell you about something that’s coming up. It will be with my friend, Jane Pike from New Zealand and it will be on the topic of being enough.

Here’s how we came up with this idea.

The idea that we are not enough is like a thief. It can steal our joy and enthusiasm.

But if we switch that thought (which we can because we humans have the unique ability to reflect), we can know that we’re not only enough but unique and boundless in our potential.

With that mindset, we can open doors to so many blessings and possibilities with our horses, too.

So, how we look at this idea of being enough, having enough, being cute enough, thin enough, wealthy enough, or whatever – matters.

In its most insidious form (when we lack belief in ourselves), it’s like a thief, robbing us of seeing what’s truly possible in our lives.

When it’s flipped over to the opposite side (we have an unlimited belief in ourselves) it can be like a fairy godmother for unlimited possibilities.

So, that’s what Jane and I are going to explore when we do this new workshop.

There’s one more thing I want to share.

It’s a fabulous idea that I heard this past week. (Don’t you just love it when you’re working on something or thinking about something, and then things start popping up?)

It’s the idea that we’re all already heroes in our own lives.

We’ve all already been through so much in our lives. We don’t have to do anything more to be enough about anything.

Wherever we are, wherever we’re starting from right now is absolutely enough.

And this is a part I really love…

If we want to do more, explore more, and learn more, then we absolutely can. We can go for it.

But it’s because it’s exciting and joyful for us.

It’s not because there’s some imaginary mandate hanging over our heads, saying we need to do more to be enough or prove anything.

It’s in our human nature to want to keep getting better, learning, and creating. But it’s a choice. There’s nothing that we have to do or be in order to prove our worthiness—be enough, have enough, or look good enough.

I just wanted to share that little tidbit with you and let you know that we’re going to do this workshop.

The workshop will be right after the 4th of July. You can find the details below.

Beyond that, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic of being enough.

Again, for some reason, this conversation goes right to my heart.

And I hope the idea that you’re already a hero in your life and that you’re already enough is powerful and freeing for you.

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One Comment on You’re Already a Hero

  1. Carol MacGregor on Mon, 24th Jun 2024 11:14 pm
  2. Hi Barb, I missed the “visual” of your property looking like you were in Ireland because it is so green right now. In California our spring green has turned to summer brown, but that’s ok. 😉 I do love the idea of “feeling” like “we are enough” but I really don’t think that way in my head. I want to do so much more with my horses but there always seems to be so many roadblocks. Thank you for the opportunity to explore this subject. I’ll think about joining the class but not sure I can. Thank you. 🙂

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