- Personal Performance Coach for all riders | Cutting Horse Trainer and Educator | Author, Speaker, Clinician - https://barbraschulte.com -

So Much More Is Possible

Hey, it’s Barb and Nic.

And you can see Jax is hanging out over there. Oh, and there goes Abby. So everyone in our family’s here but Tom. It’s a beautiful day in Texas. I’m so grateful to have such nice weather.

I have a quick message today.


Hey, it’s Barb and Nic.

And you can see Jax is hanging out over there. Oh, and there goes Abby. So everyone in our family’s here but Tom. It’s a beautiful day in Texas. I’m so grateful to have such nice weather.

I have a quick message today.

When things keep coming up and I get the same message in different ways, I think, You know, Barb, you need to pay attention to this.

This week, I got the simple message loud and clear that we humans limit ourselves so much. There’s so much more.

The first way that came to me was through a post Warwick Schiller made on Facebook. He had just returned from the Gaucho Derby and talked about his experience. It’s an incredible race in Patagonia. One of the things he said is that he learned. that he could do so much more than he ever thought he could.

Another way that idea has been coming to me is that I’m getting ready to do a webinar series called Ageless Grit with Dr. Stephanie Burns.

As we get older, we buy into these myths that things aren’t possible for us anymore. There’s an inevitable decline, so we might as well start it now! But our bodies and brains can keep learning and do amazing things. We all have so much potential in so many ways.

If you haven’t looked into it, I suggest you do.

In the third webinar, Dr. Burns will discuss different strategies to overcome obstacles. And I’m looking forward to that.

The bottom line is we do have the potential to do so much more.

And It’s not just that we do more; it’s that we live our spark, our life, and reach – through our minds and bodies. We can live, experience, and learn for ourselves and other people – and our horses.

So that’s what I have for you today.

I hope you have a great day, and I’ll see you next time. Please leave a message for me.